Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Agenda for 2/5

Since there were some questions last night, please take a moment to look over this blog, namely the right column. 

By the way, I did check the Five Mystical Songs practice site, and I didn't find any problems with the audio. Just make sure that you're following along with the score, since the choir doesn't sing throughout. (This will probably become easier to do as you get to know the piece in rehearsals.)

Here's the plan for Tuesday:

7-7:15 warmup
15-25 continuing warmup, sing St. Peter pp.4-6 (rounds)
25-45 Mystical #5: learn pp32-33 and then review 30-33
45-8pm RigVeda #1: pp5-6
8-8:05 BREAK
5-20 RigVeda #3: pp.14-16
20-30 read Jerusalem (will be handed out)
30-45 review RigVeda #2, non-unison sections
45-9pm Mystical #1: review the good work we did this week

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Agenda for 1/29

Last night was a good start on some of the great repertoire we'll be singing this semester. If you're new to this blog, please look to the right for links to the calendar, practice files, and other things. You can also sign up for the "follow by email" function at the bottom of the right column.

Don't forget to bring a binder and all of your music.

Take a moment to listen to some of the music linked at this blog. Better yet, try to follow along with your music!

Our roster is always in flux at the start of a semester. If you know of anyone who might like to sing, please bring them along next week!

Here's the plan for Tuesday:

7-7:15 warmup
15-30 Mystical Songs: #1 (we'll go through all of the choral parts)
35-40 Mystical Songs #3 (we'll go through this super-easy choral part)
40-8pm St. Peter: pp.4-6 (and possibly 7-8)

  • we'll speak the rhythms of individual parts and then work on pitches
8-8:05 BREAK
5-15 Rig Veda #2, pp10-11
15-30 Rig Veda #2, pp.7-11
30-45 Rig Veda #1, pp.2-top of 5
45-8:55 Mystical Songs #5, pp.30-32

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spring 2013

This is a reminder that we resume on Tuesday, January 22 from 7-9pm in Heineman. 

The spring repertoire is made up of three of the greatest early 20th-century composers: Vaughan Williams, Britten, and Holst. It's great music, and I think you'll really enjoy it.

We always need to build the Chorus, so please invite your friends!

Community members: I'll have parking passes to you before then.