Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Next week, etc.

First, I've moved the audition sign-up deadline to Nov. 17, the day before the actual auditions. To sign up, please follow the link to the right===>>>

This week, we'll continue to work on our choral sound. Since you all know the notes more or less, vocal quality is something that we can really focus on. I'm looking forward to that work!

(Sorry, Pat, but I can't find an online recording of the Prayer of St. Francis.)

Some of you asked how my recent performances went. Click here for a review of one performance.

Here's the plan:

7-7:10 warmup
10-15 Stille Nacht as part of warmup
7:15-8pm go over all of the solos in and out of context, including quartets
8-8:05 BREAK
5-15 assign divisi in St. Francis
15-30 sing through Bach Dona nobis (gently!)
30-40 review Nun danket (text, too)
40-55 Hallelujah

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Audition update and next week's agenda

First, I have decided to change the solo audition date to Nov. 18. This gives you a little more time to prepare. I will schedule a review session for potential soloists on Nov. 4. (There is no rehearsal Nov. 11, Veterans Day.)

It's still not too late to sign up to audition, however the deadline to sign up is Nov. 3. A sign-up form is located in the right column of this blog=====>>>

Here's the plan for Oct. 28:

7-7:10 warmup
10-15 review I heard the bells
15-30 work through St. Francis, stopping for any trouble spots
30-45 Glory to God
45-55 Hallellujah
55-8:05 BREAK
5-25 Bach Dona nobis: working each letter in reverse order, SATB
25-40 Mozart, incl. quartet parts
40-50 review Schubert
50-9pm review Let there be peace

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Agenda for 10/21

7-7:10 warmup
10-15 continue warmup w/ Dona nobis round
15-45 read new music
45-8pm Bach dona SA and TB letter B to end
8:10-30 Bach dona SA and TB beginning to letter B
30-50 Schubert, incl. solos
50-9pm review Imagine

Solos and soloist auditions

Soloist auditions will take place on Tuesday, November 18 during our regular rehearsal.

The following solos are available:

  • Let there be peace (any voice type)
    • pp4-9
    • pp10-end
    • These solos can be combined for one soloist
  • Imagine (any voice type)
    • p2 to top of 3
    • m.17-middle of p.4
    • These solos can be combined for one soloist
  • Messiah (soprano only) (you will receive this music next week)
    • There were shepherds, And lo
    • And the angel, And suddenly
    • These can be combined for one soloist
In addition to these solos, there are two quartets to be assembled:
  • Schubert pp63-64
  • Mozart pp48-50, 53
If you are interested in auditioning, please click here to fill out an online form.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Agenda for 10/14

As you know, we are still missing a few pieces from the program. The remaining music is coming, but I want to take this one more week to solidify what you already have. We'll devote a big chunk of this rehearsal to Bach Dona nobis. Don't forget to listen to the piece and use the audio learning files.

Soloist auditions are coming up, too. I'll post a list of available solos and the audition date in a few weeks.

7-7:10 warmup
10-15 I've got peace
15-35 Schubert
35-50 Nun danket: review text & sing
50-8:05 Let there be peace (review)
5-10 BREAK
10-30 Bach Dona nobis: working SA and TB
30-40 St. Francis (review)
40-50 Hallelujah: B, C, D, F
50-9pm Imagine (review)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Agenda for 10/7

7-7:10 warmup
10-15 continue warmup with Dona nobis round
15-35 Mozart, both solo section and choral section
35-8pm Bach: Dona nobis
8-8:10 BREAK
10-25 Imagine
25-35 Go over Nun danket text
35-50 Schubert
50-55 I've got peace