Wednesday, April 29, 2015


All semester, I've had trouble sleeping on Tuesday nights due to those choruses running through my head. Last night was no exception. I hope that you've had the same wonderful affliction!

Just as the post-concert buzz makes us all quite unable to congratulation each other and, in some cases, say farewell properly, there is nothing that I can write to adequately express my gratitude and admiration for the dedication you gave to this production. It has been a really good semester--indeed my favorite since starting at FSU in 2007.

It's going to be some time before we top what we achieved last night. I know that expectations are high for what's next, but we must always keep in perspective that building a chorus is an annual, if not per-semester, project.

My thoughts for fall 2015 were to shift gears and do a lighter program, namely "A Beatles Christmas." The program would feature some a cappella arrangements of classic Beatles songs, coupled with English Renaissance Christmas music, ending, of course, with McCartney's Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time.

However, when I presented this idea to several of you last night, I saw wrinkled noses! (In 2008, a similar program was a very big deal on campus, and we grew the choir significantly because of it. But times change!)

That all said, I invite you to complete a short survey about repertoire for the fall. Please add your voice! Click here to complete the survey.

Meanwhile, best wishes to you all for a great summer and, especially, to our graduating class. You will be missed, but there will always be a place for you in the FSU Chorus!


Thursday, April 23, 2015


You should all be pleased with how well things went Tuesday. Here are some general comments along with some more specific comments, courtesy of Allie:
  • You may have water with you on stage.
  • Concert dress is all-black.
  • Soloists especially, but this applies to all: no leg-crossing while on stage. Keep your feet firmly planted!
General comment: anticipate tempos so that chorus comes in on time. Remember to keep those consonants ahead of the beat. Be very, very clear in your diction.

Specific comments to choir/soloists:
  • #6 Julianna: make your consonants clear; we can't understand the words
  • #11 "Let the triumphs": the "Let the" pickups aren't together. Be ready to sing in tempo!
  • #20 When singing softly, keep the same poise as when singing loudly, using air and an open mouth. (The soft sections are coming out flat.)
  • #26 Alto entrance "haste haste" can't be heard. Sing out!
  • #27 Raymond: make your final consonants clear "heart" "forsake" "gods" "could die"
  • #28 Ed: don't sing too softly in the soft sections; can't be heard
  • #35 "Great" Put "gr" before the beat, not on it.
  • #37 Cynthia: more closing consonants "When I am laid." Also, descending lines tend to go flat. Listen to the band!
  • #38 Sopranos: breathe before your entrances
Please mark these comments in your part as they apply.

Call for Tuesday is 6pm. Please try to arrive by 5:50, since we need to start work at 6.

Invite everyone and have fun! This will be a blast!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 21 agenda

First, I was very disappointed to learn that none of you had heard of H.R. Pufnstuf and Witchiepoo. As your punishment, you must watch this:

I am so sorry that none of you have had the pleasure of 1970's Saturday morning TV. 

Second, thank you for a GREAT rehearsal last night. I really appreciate your professionalism and attention to the rehearsal. On April 21, we return to Heineman where we will have our final rehearsal. Please try to arrive a little before 7pm so that we can begin without delay. At the end of rehearsal, I'll need everyone's help to break down the room and return it to normal.

Three more notes:

  • Please be careful when moving around the instruments. Use extra caution and keep a wide berth. Above all, don't walk through the instrumental ensemble when going on/off stage.
  • Other than a few tempo issues, the one big lapse last night was the section entrances in "Haste, Haste to Town." Please review your part while also reviewing the other parts. Know what needs to happen so that you come in on time and in the right place.
  • Please make sure to turn your pages quietly. Trust me, the audience will hear page turns if we're not careful.
Please spread the word about the concert. Let's pack the joint!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 14 agenda

Thanks for a great rehearsal. All is going really well. This week's rehearsal brings us back to WL201. Please plan for the extra walking time. Click here for directions.

Please be ready to sing all choruses! 

Soloists: please come at 6:30 to move furniture and to stay a few minutes later to move things back.

Everyone else: please be promptly in WL201 at 7pm.

Keep thinking of this music!